Selected Proceedings of the 9th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
edited by Nuria Sagarra and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
vi + 341 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-413-3 library binding, $250.00
This volume contains 30 papers selected from two conferences which were held jointly at the Pennsylvania State University in 2005: the 9th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium and the 8th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages. The papers are organized into sections on theoretical syntax, phonetics and phonology, second language acquisition and teaching, acquisition of syntax, and sociolinguistics.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Selected Proceedings of the 8th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
Selected Proceedings of the 7th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages
November 20, 2006
9th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
Labels: conference: HLS, CPP, new book
June 21, 2006
Surviving Linguistics
Surviving Linguistics: A Guide for Graduate Students
Monica Macaulay
Overview | Contents | Web links | Order form
![]() | Cascadilla Press ( xiii + 143 pages publication date: June 21, 2006 ISBN 978-1-57473-028-9 paperback, $18.95 ISBN 978-1-57473-228-3 paperback 10-pack, $95.00 ISBN 978-1-57473-128-6 library binding, $48.95 |
Although Macaulay focuses on North America in explaining the structure of graduate school and the process of applying for academic jobs, the advice in this book about writing and research in linguistics will be useful to linguistics students everywhere.
Available as single copies or 10-packs
Surviving Linguistics is available in paperback and library binding (no dust jacket). We also offer paperback 10-packs for professors, advisors, and departments who want to give this valuable guide to their students. These 10-packs are 10 copies of the paperback edition packed together and offered at a 50% discount.
Labels: new book
May 16, 2006
2005 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX)
Selected Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX)
edited by R. W. McConchie, Olga Timofeeva, Heli Tissari, and Tanja Säily
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
vi + 184 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-412-6 library binding, $210.00
This volume contains 18 papers selected from the 2005 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX), which was held in Helsinki in 2005. The papers read at the symposium, a majority of which appear here, were a combination of many interests, from Old and Middle English to issues in cognitive semantics and problems of lexicographical practice. The plenary papers by Gabriele Stein and Ian Lancashire deal at length with neglected 16th century lexicographers, Richard Howlet (Huloet) and John Rastell. The plenary paper by Zoltán Kövecses offers a broad account of theoretical issues in cognitive semantics which relate to metaphor and words for emotion.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Labels: conference: HEL-LEX, CPP, new book
April 30, 2006
BUCLD 30 Proceedings
BUCLD 30: Proceedings of the 30th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development
edited by David Bamman, Tatiana Magnitskaia, and Colleen Zaller
Contents | Series Info | Order form
![]() | Cascadilla Press ( ix + 724 pages (2-volume set) publication date: April 2006 ISBN 978-1-57473-064-7 paperback, $55.00 ISBN 978-1-57473-164-4 library binding, $120.00 |
The posters from the conference are not included in the printed proceedings, but many are available from the conference in an on-line proceedings supplement.
Details about previous volumes in this series are available at
Labels: conference: BUCLD, new book
April 20, 2006
35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African Languages and Linguistics in Broad Perspectives
edited by John Mugane, John P. Hutchison, and Dee A. Worman
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
v + 283 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-410-2 library binding, $280.00
This volume contains 26 papers selected from the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 35), which was held at Harvard University in 2004. The theme of the conference, “African Languages and Linguistics in Broad Perspective,” was an open invitation to go beyond traditional linguistic theorizing and to discuss issues of greater sociolinguistic and cultural meaning, outside of Africa as well as on the continent. The selected papers of this volume represent a broad range of papers selected for their significance, breadth of coverage, and depth of analysis, written by scholars from around the globe. They are divided into sections on (1) sociolinguistics, language status, and language policy, (2) phonology, (3) and morphology and syntax. The proceedings includes the keynote address by William R. Leben.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Labels: conference: ACAL, CPP, new book
April 15, 2006
2nd Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
Selected Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
edited by Manuel Díaz-Campos
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
viii + 148 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-411-9 library binding, $180.00
This volume contains 11 papers selected from the 2nd Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonetics and Phonology, which was held at Indiana University in September 2004. The purpose of the conference was to share ideas among people working with experimental data to explain the mental representation of sound structure. The papers are organized into three sections: segmental analysis, intonation and stress, and second language acquisition and pedagogy.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Labels: conference: LASP, CPP, new book
February 20, 2006
24th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
Proceedings of the 24th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
edited by John Alderete, Chung-hye Han, and Alexei Kochetov
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
vi + 405 pages
publication date: 2005
ISBN 978-1-57473-407-2 library binding, $375.00
This volume contains 45 papers from the 24th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 24), which was held at Simon Fraser University in 2005. The authors present new work in syntax, semantics, morphology, and phonology. This is the first WCCFL Proceedings to be published by Cascadilla Proceedings Project. WCCFL 18-23 were published by Cascadilla Press.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Labels: conference: WCCFL, CPP, new book
February 11, 2006
8th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
Selected Proceedings of the 8th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
edited by Timothy L. Face and Carol A. Klee
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
vi + 220 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-408-9 library binding, $250.00
This volume contains 18 papers selected from the 8th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, held at the University of Minnesota in 2004. The volume includes the plenary papers by John Lipski and Scott Schwenter. The other papers are organized into sections on historical linguistics, phonology, morphosyntax, and semantics and pragmatics.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Selected Proceedings of the 7th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
Labels: conference: HLS, CPP, new book
February 10, 2006
7th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages
Selected Proceedings of the 7th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages
edited by Carol A. Klee and Timothy L. Face
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
vi + 194 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-409-6 library binding, $220.00
This volume contains 15 papers selected from the 7th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages, which was held at the University of Minnesota in 2004. The papers discuss how children and adults learn Spanish and Portuguese, examining acquisition and development in the areas of phonology, morphology, syntax, and writing. The proceedings also includes several papers examining ser and estar, and a plenary paper by Barbara Lafford comparing study abroad and classroom learning of Spanish as a second language.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Selected Proceedings of the 6th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages published by Cascadilla Proceedings Project
Proceedings of the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium and Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese Proceedings published by Cascadilla Press
Labels: conference: CASP, CPP, new book