Cascadilla Press will have books displayed in the joint book exhibit booth at the 2008 LSA annual meeting in Chicago on January 3-6, 2008. Stop by the joint book exhibit to see Surviving Linguistics and other recent titles, and pick up our current catalog. You can purchase the display copies at a discount.
December 23, 2007
October 23, 2007
Exhibit at BUCLD 32
Cascadilla Press will have a book display at the 32nd Boston University Conference on Language Development at Boston University on November 2-4, 2007. We will be exhibiting all of our recent books, software, and teaching aids, including past BUCLD Proceedings. We will also have several items there from our CafePress shop, such as our language immersion bibs and syntactician teddy bears. The proceedings of BUCLD 32 will be published in 2008 by Cascadilla Press.
Labels: book exhibit, conference: BUCLD
October 4, 2007
Exhibit at SLRF 2007
Cascadilla Press will have a book display at the 2007 Second Language Research Forum at UIUC on October 11-14, 2007. Our display will focus on recent conference proceedings in language acquisition and past SLRF Proceedings. The selected proceedings of SLRF 2007 will be published in 2008 by Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Labels: book exhibit, conference: SLRF, CPP
September 15, 2007
Popular items for the new school year
As a new school year begins, here's a roundup of several popular Cascadilla Press items for students and professors.
Surviving Linguistics: A Guide for Graduate Students is now on its 6th printing in just over a year! This helpful guide is making life easier for linguistics students everywhere.
Our syntax font Arboreal is a great way to create syntactic trees, and works with the latest MacOS 10.4 and Windows Vista operating systems, as well as with older Mac and Windows systems. Arboreal for Windows (ArborWin) and Arboreal for Mac have some differences, so make sure you let us know whether you need the Windows or Mac version when you order.
For those teaching the IPA, we offer IPA Bingo for large classes and Magnetic Phonetics 2 for small groups. We also offer sets of convenient IPA reference cards you can hand out to your students, where each card shows the entire current IPA chart. And what room is truly well-adorned without an office-sized (14" x 20") or classroom-sized (23" x 35") IPA chart poster?
Labels: news
September 14, 2007
37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Selected Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
edited by Doris L. Payne and Jaime Peña
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
v + 203 pages
publication date: 2007
ISBN 978-1-57473-420-1 library binding, $250.00
This volume contains 16 papers selected from the 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 37), which was held at the University of Oregon on April 6-9, 2006. The papers included are significant for increasing the database of detailed studies of individual African languages. Several of the papers deal with contact among multiple languages and consequent areal effects, as well as language endangerment under contact. Additionally, all of the papers in the first section of the volume, plus three of the morphosyntax papers, are important for improving our understanding of historical dynamics in the languages and language families of the African continent.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Selected Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Labels: conference: ACAL, CPP, new book
August 20, 2007
2nd GALANA Conference
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA)
edited by Alyona Belikova, Luisa Meroni, and Mari Umeda
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
vii + 490 pages
publication date: 2007
ISBN 978-1-57473-419-5 library binding, $320.00
This proceedings contains 46 papers and posters presented at the 2nd Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA), which was held August 17-19, 2006, in Montreal. The authors examine first and second language acquisition issues in a large number of languages. The papers focus on the acquisition of syntax, semantics, phonology, and morphology.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Labels: conference: GALANA, CPP, new book
June 30, 2007
Third Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics
Selected Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics
edited by Jonathan Holmquist, Augusto Lorenzino, and Lotfi Sayahi
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
viii + 192 pages
publication date: 2007
ISBN 978-1-57473-418-8 library binding, $180.00
This volume contains 19 papers selected from the Third Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, held at Temple University on April 6-8, 2006. The authors discuss sociolinguistic issues within Spanish-speaking communities and countries around the world, analyzing samples of Spanish data gathered in a variety of contexts in South America, Central America, the Caribbean, North America, and Spain. The volume presents six papers from each of three subject areas (phonological variation, morpho-syntactic variation, and language contact), and anchors them with Richard Cameron’s plenary presentation. Most papers are written in English, and two are written in Spanish.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Selected Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics
Selected Proceedings of the First Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics
Labels: conference: WSS, CPP, new book
April 29, 2007
BUCLD 31 Proceedings
BUCLD 31: Proceedings of the 31st annual Boston University Conference on Language Development
edited by Heather Caunt-Nulton, Samantha Kulatilake, and I-hao Woo
Contents | Series Info | Order form
![]() | Cascadilla Press ( ix + 715 pages (2-volume set) publication date: April 2007 ISBN 978-1-57473-074-6 paperback, $55.00 ISBN 978-1-57473-174-3 library binding, $120.00 |
The posters from the conference are not included in the printed proceedings, but many are available from the conference in an on-line proceedings supplement.
Details about previous volumes in this series are available at
Labels: conference: BUCLD, new book
February 14, 2007
25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
Proceedings of the 25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
edited by Donald Baumer, David Montero, and Michael Scanlon
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
vii + 461 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-415-7 library binding, $375.00
This volume contains 50 papers and alternates from the 25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 25), which was held at the University of Washington on April 28-30, 2006. The authors present new work in syntax, semantics, morphology, and phonology. The proceedings includes papers from two invited talks: “Subject Preference in Korean” by Nayoung Kwon, Maria Polinsky, and Robert Kluender; and “Minimizing UG: Constraints upon Constraints” by Douglas Pulleyblank.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Proceedings of the 24th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
Labels: conference: WCCFL, CPP, new book
February 10, 2007
8th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2006)
Proceedings of the 8th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2006): The Banff Conference
edited by Mary Grantham O'Brien, Christine Shea, and John Archibald
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
v + 161 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-416-4 library binding, $220.00
This volume contains 18 papers selected from the 8th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2006), which was hosted by the University of Calgary. It was held at Alberta's Banff Centre, in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, on April 27-30, 2006. The papers address L2 acquisition in speakers of French, English, Chinese, and other languages; the impact of ultrasound technology on L2 acquisition research; and other issues of bilinguality.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2004)
Proceedings of the 6th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2002)
Labels: conference: GASLA, CPP, new book
February 8, 2007
2004 Texas Linguistics Society
Proceedings of the 2004 Texas Linguistics Society Conference: Issues at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface
edited by Pascal Denis, Eric McCready, Alexis Palmer, and Brian Reese
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
v + 159 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-417-1 library binding, $180.00
The 13 papers in this proceedings are from the 2004 Texas Linguistics Society Conference, held March 5-7, 2004 at the University of Texas at Austin. The theme of the conference was “Issues at the semantics-pragmatics interface.”
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Proceedings of the 2003 Texas Linguistics Society Conference
Labels: conference: TLS, CPP, new book
January 31, 2007
36th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Selected Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on African Linguistics: Shifting the Center of Africanism in Language Politics and Economic Globalization
edited by Olaoba F. Arasanyin and Michael A. Pemberton
Table of contents | Order form
Cascadilla Proceedings Project (
vii + 220 pages
publication date: 2006
ISBN 978-1-57473-414-0 library binding, $250.00
This volume contains 25 papers selected from the 36th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 36), which was held at Georgia Southern University in 2005. The theme of the conference was “Shifting the Center of Africanism: Language, Economic Regionalism and Globalization,” which reflected Africa's struggle with its past as well as its gradual political maturation in a globalized world. Along with the plenary papers by Zaline Makini Roy-Campbell and Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, the papers in this volume are organized into sections on phonology, syntax, morpho-semantics, language in pedagogy, and language in social context.
Proceedings from Cascadilla Proceedings Project are published in library binding and on the web. We offer free web access to the complete proceedings in PDF format through our web site,
Previous volumes in this series:
Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Labels: conference: ACAL, CPP, new book