February 2, 2017

Our statement opposing travel restrictions

As an independent scholarly press, Cascadilla Press supports freedom of expression, freedom of travel, and the free exchange of ideas. We firmly believe that scholarly conversations and progress must not be limited by national borders. We publish work by authors from all over the world, and we have customers and readers all over the world as well. Travel to different countries is vital for study, for conferences, for jobs, for research, and for collaboration.

Travel to and from the United States has suddenly been radically disrupted. We are appalled at the foreseeable effects on so many members of our field, and deeply concerned about what further disruptions may come.
For those working with us on conference proceedings, we know that conference planning will evolve and adapt. We encourage you to make plans to allow for video links, proxy presentations, and any other solutions that will mitigate the disruption and discrimination caused by travel restrictions. We welcome conferences to include papers in our proceedings that could not be presented as planned due to travel restrictions. We are committed to continuing to serve our international community.